Heart Soul Ascension Experience   

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery! This 2-hours retreat is a transformative experience that will help you reconnect with your body, heart, higher self, and feel/hear/see the truth of your soul.

‘Heart Soul Ascension Experience’ is a 2 hours transformative journey consisting of three essential parts:

1 - Sacred Ceremonial Cacao

Drink Cacao in a ceremonial way, igniting your senses with its ancient wisdom and heart-opening properties.

2 - Pu’uwai Breathwork

Journey on a special breathwork practice designed to help you connect with your heart & soul.

3 - Integration

Time dedicated to ground the insights and revelations from your journey, make plans to apply it to your daily life so you can embody a long-lasting transformation.

What is Ceremonial Cacao?

This is a 100% pure cacao-bean paste that transcends the conventional notion of chocolate. The active component in this Cacao is called theobromine. Ceremonial cacao has a profound history deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of civilizations like the Mayans and Aztecs. They have been using Ceremonial Cacao in Spiritual Ceremonies and Rituals for thousands of years.

Ceremonial Cacao is known as ‘The Medicine of The Heart’❤️. Immerse yourself in the sacred synergy of ceremonial cacao and breathwork, embarking on a transformative journey where the heart's wisdom is unlocked. Allow the theobromine to guide you through a deep & enriching experience, enabling you to receive and embrace all that unfolds on your path.

As you immerse yourself into the realms of breathwork, let the ancient wisdom of ceremonial cacao amplify the healing, connection, and spiritual awakening within with Pati’s guidance.

 Note: this is NOT psychedelic

What is Breathwork?

The power of Breathwork allows you to transcend the chaos of your mind and immerse yourself in the serene embrace of the present moment. Within this sacred space, your authentic Truth unfolds, paving the way for a natural and profound healing.

Our Pu’uwai Breathwork opens up the gateway to unlock your heart & soul’s desires, allowing for your inner healing to happen organically. This is a transformational process that combines an ancient two-step breathing technique with contemporary, upbeat, positive music to create an incredible physical and spiritual experience.

It is a simple, safe, and extremely effective process for experiencing breakthroughs and optimal wellness in your life. This experience differs from most traditional meditation and mindfulness practices. 

Pati will guide you to access the depths of your heart and soul by passing your busy mind. It will allow you to drop into the serenity of the present moment and in that {present} moment, your Truth comes forth, paving the way for natural and profound healing.

During these two transformative hours, you will have an opportunity to release stuck energy, embrace repressed emotions, and find alignment with your body, mind, heart, and your soul’s calling.

Feel, See, Be the peace within you - it's time to embark on the path inner-clarity, deeper self-discovery and inner-peace. 

You can book me for a private and/or group experience.

What is Integration?

Integration is a very important part of this Experience. After the profound experiences of Ceremonial Cacao and the Pu’uwai Breathwork, the integration phase serves as the crucial bridge between these transformative moments and your everyday life.

This part invites you to reflect on the insights and revelations gained during your journey, allowing them to really ground into your core Being.

Through intentional reflection, embodiment practices, and the cultivation of mindfulness, you will empower yourself to embody the newfound wisdom and alignment achieved during the 'Heart Soul Ascension Experience.'

This part will allow you to have a long-lasting transformation and embody the essence of Heart Soul Ascension in every aspect of your life.

($497 Value)

Use discount code:HSA-Experience


Schedule a complementary session and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.


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