August love letter - Missed July, read to know why!

Aloha Beautiful Souls!! 

As you noticed I did not send you a love letter in July because I was in need of sending myself a LOT of love letters. 😉


To be very transparent, July was a very challenging month for me. And I would like to share what I went through without giving you every single detail, of course, otherwise this love letter will be pages long.

And, I prefer a short love letter, even though I am still working on being able to share my thoughts, my inspirations, my processes in a more concise way. There are some challenges (or opportunities!!) that comes with English being my second language. In Portuguese, we use soooooo many words to explain something. LOL.


Ok, back to my journey going through this July 2024. Was it just me or did you have “an interesting” July?


The challenges came from everywhere… my personal life, major issues in my family in Brazil, my husband’s (John) personal and professional life, major issues in my husband’s family… wow. The Universe definitely had a BIG message for me. Why else would “I receive all of these challenges, all at once, all within the 1st week of July”?

That was a time when even ONE of these types of challenges appeared in my life, it would cause me significant physical pain—major pain. Sometimes, the stress and challenges were so overwhelming that I became bedridden from the excruciating pain. I also fell into a state of depression, becoming paralyzed physically, mentally, and emotionally, both literally and figuratively.


Today, specifically in July, I went through ALL of these major ‘things’ (yes this is a technical name, lol), and I got NOOOO physical pain and no depression feelings. My body was not screaming – whooohoooo – but why?


~ I felt my feelings – I cried whenever the urge appeared, with no judgment.  

~ I allowed myself to observe my feelings and my thoughts.

~ I increased my compassion thermometer.

~ I increased my self-care activities. I used ALL my tools from my Holistic Wellbeing Emergency toolkit.

~ I did some deep and beautiful Inner Mosaic work, which is similar to inner child work. I discovered a part of myself that I had either forgotten existed or was unaware of. Wow, I saw her, I heard her, I nurtured her, and I gave her love and compassion.


👉This is how I’ve transmuted from experiencing excruciating pain, staying in stress-mode & depressed-mode to creating expansion:

If you are part of my beautiful community, that means you have been doing some inner work, right? I am sure you’ve heard some coaches/mentors/teachers/people talking about how our growth is upper-spiral, and that we are always learning and evolving and stepping into our next phase of evolution and/or empowerment – I will share this concept again:

✨We go from:

-          Believing that things happen TO us, then

-          Believing that things happen FOR us, then

-          Believing and feeling and allowing things to happen THROUGH us.


When we are in the belief that everything in life happens TO us, we are in a victim mentality. I’ve learned this concept years ago and I was surprised to see that I was living in that mentality (life happens TO me).

I “worked hard” to shift that belief (inner work) and oh my goodness what a difference it made when I started to live my life believing everything happens FOR ME. For my growth, for my expansion, for my spiritual awareness and connection, for my evolution, etc. It was NOT easy, especially when I was face-to-face some difficult situations/conditions/circumstances.  And yet, it’s so worthy to lean into that expanded belief.

Now, embracing the belief that life can happen THROUGH me took quite a bit longer for me to truly embody.


Back to my July, what I realized as I went thru all the “situations/circumstances” that happened during the month of July, the reason I did not have ANY physical pain (if you knew me a few years back, you know that stress used to equals physical pain), it was because I was allowing EVERYTHING to go THROUGH me and out.

-          I was NOT ignoring my feelings (as I used to do in the past). In fact, I honored my tears. I felt the heartbreak, the grief, the anger, the disappointment, the awareness of the past trauma. Any and all feelings that surfaced, I allowed myself to feel them compassionately. 


-          I also did NOT create extra stories on top of what was happening, which I used to do in the past. When we do that, we create more suffering. This time, I looked at every situation as it was - nothing more and nothing less (sometimes we can minimize too).


-          As I told my coach, “OMG, I realized I am riding a tsunami wave,” instead of tumbling with the waves, being tossed up, down, and sideways, or even being held underwater, as used to happen in the past. Hopefully, this analogy makes sense to you—it does to me. LOL. Riding the tsunami wave felt weirdly empowering.


AND, in the midst of this major chaos (as I called it back in early July), the more I allowed myself to feel and honor all my emotions, the more I noticed the emotional pain moving THROUGH me. I didn't hold on to it or get attached to the heaviness of the circumstances; they all got alchemized and flowed through me.

That's why I didn't experience any physical pain or fall into a depressed state of mind. To be clear, I cried a lot, but I didn't get depressed (there's a difference).

And then something incredible happened!!!

I felt the urge (a Divine Message) to create my signature 1-day retreat on Oahu in August (Heart Soul Ascension). I immediately asked a bunch of people about different venues, and they gave me tons of options.

Deep down, I wanted to host the retreat at Lotus Rising, but I assumed it would be too expensive and more suitable for multi-day events—just stories I had created in my mind. Despite my doubts, I reached out to them anyway. To my surprise, they were available exactly on the weekend I wanted and even offered me a discount.

Boom! I sent the deposit immediately. Before I even created an event on my website, I sold three tickets. What? Crazy, right? It all happened so fast and with such ease and flow.

💖I was in awe myself – I asked myself:

1-     What’s happening?

2-  How is it possible that this amazing expansive state of mind is being created and felt inside of me while those chaotic circumstances are happening?

>>> Well, I understood it!! By allowing life to happen THROUGH me, I created (generated) an uplifting energy field around within myself. This energy/vibration allowed expansive things to manifest even while the other challenging circumstances were happening at the same time.  


Hopefully, I explained this well enough for you to understand it and APPLY it into your life.


Question for you to ponder with curiosity:

~ How can you lean into the embodiment of ‘life happens for me AND life happens through me?


By the way, you are invited to come to this life-changing retreat on Oahu – it’s worth flying there for it!

Click Here: 1-Day Heart Soul Ascension Retreat

 💖As always, I love you no matter what AND just as you are! 💖


It’s time to stop hiding, this is your time to live in alignment with your soul’s calling and your heart’s desires. It’s time to ignite the fire within and shine your light in this world.

~The world needs YOU!~

Mahalo for reading my Love-Letter to you.

Warm Aloha,

Pati Hoyt

Heart Soul Ascension Healer & Mentor




June love letter!