June love letter!

**Aloha Beautiful Souls,**


I'll keep this month’s love-letter short and sweet!


Last month was my birthday, and I decided to celebrate multiple times with different people. Through this, I discovered that I wasn’t fully open to receiving. It was eye-opening and a bit uncomfortable to realize that I'm still more focused on giving than on being truly open to everything the Universe offers.


Have you ever paused to ask yourself if you are 100% ready to receive all the gifts, abundance, joy, and love you've been asking for?


For the past few years, I’ve been doing ancestral work, healing patterns that no longer serve us and embracing the gifts passed down through generations. However, I realized I wasn’t fully receiving these ancestral gifts. It was a big wake-up call for me.


Are you truly ready to receive what you have been asking for, praying for, and dreaming of?

Take a moment to sit with your heart and listen for the answer. I would love to hear what comes up for you.

On my event tab you will find a few opportunities to sit with me, to allow me to hold space for you, to witness you in your healing AND growth.  

There are some fun events this month! Events 

As always, I love you no matter what AND just as you are!


It’s time to stop hiding, this is your time to live in alignment with your soul’s calling and your heart’s desires. It’s time to ignite the fire within and shine your light in this world.

~The world needs YOU!~

Mahalo for reading my Love-Letter to you.

Warm Aloha,

Pati Hoyt

Heart Soul Ascension Healer & Mentor


August love letter - Missed July, read to know why!


My first podcast episode